Why Smart Manufacturing is a Worthwhile Investment when Done Right Is smart manufacturing industry 4.0 style really the future? Is creating a smart factory a good investment? Is it just a trend? Unnecessary? Or is digital manufacturing and industry 4.0 actually...
Manufacturing operational efficiency is something that all manufacturers constantly need to focus on, and there is no finish line. It would be great to make a number of improvements and then tell yourself “good job, now we can just sit back and keep signing...
What is Continuous Improvement for Manufacturers? Continuous improvement as a philosophy is exactly what it sounds like. It is actively improving your manufacturing process, on a regular basis. This is an ongoing effort that never stops, there is never an end to the...
What is Big Data in Manufacturing? Let’s start off by defining and explaining what big data in manufacturing is- Big Data in manufacturing is exactly what the name sounds like. It is large amounts of data that can be structured or unstructured. This data can go...
What is a Smart Factory? In simple terms, a Smart Factory is about 1) eliminating paper and collecting data digitally in the factory, and 2) providing that data and information to everyone at all levels of the factory so they can operate the business on that data and...
Lean manufacturing focuses on creating an efficient, effective organization. Properly using Lean principles and techniques as a manufacturer allow that manufacturer to reduce waste, create more customer value, increase revenue and profits of the company, and more. In...